24.04.09,New shining Mumbai,
In an advertisement appearing on television Channels lately, a youth is shown interviewing a candidate who comes seeking his vote. The candidate takes umbrage; however the youth is adamant stating that he needs to know the candidate’s record before voting. While the reaction of the candidate is on expected lines, the act of the youth is a welcome change that is visible in the voters today.
The incidents of the 26/11 have shaken and stirred the conscience of all Indians. Everyone has realized that no one is detached from the happenings in the country. This is our country and we have to fight it enemies together, united.
For this it is very important that we set our house in order first. The awakening amongst the countrymen is translating into questions and thoroughly analyzed decisions. Gone are the days when elections were considered by most as a day of public holiday. There is an urge now to ensure that one is heard and heard well. The people are speaking out and are determined to ensure that their voice is carried by the right people to the corridors of power where the actual decisions are taken.
The 15th lok Sabha will be a test of the resolve of the people and a litmus test for the candidates.
This is the age of the youth. And only the youth have it in them to make a difference to the scheme of things. 75% of our country today is below the age of 40 years. Unfortunately just 7% of the MPs today are from this age group. It is time for Change.
I, Sanjeev Ganesh Naik, a candidate of the Congress, Nationalist Congress Party and RPI Alliance very humbly appeal to you to vote for me. To give me an opportunity to serve you, our state and our country. And I don’t appeal to you to take this decision blindly.
I reiterate that this time when you vote, stop to think first. Analyze me and all the other candidates from our 25 Thane Lok sabha constituency. Take into account our past record, experience, work for the society, dedication, Integrity, Credibility, character and image. Grade us all and I am sure, you will understand that my appeal to you for your precious vote is based no on the quest for power but backed by consistent performance and the right credentials.
I had the good fortune of being born in a family that has always been dedicated to social service. My father Shri.Ganeshji Naik, has always been a social worker first and then a politician. His efforts for the upliftment of the workers, the locals, his proactive stand in welcoming the new settlers of the city and helping them to identify with the regions, his progressive ideas, developmental work and his secular credentials are all a matter of record.
I was initiated into a social service at a very early age. The official recognition came with me becoming the Mayor of Navi Mumbai at the age for just 23 years, in 1995, the youngest in the country as recorded in Limca Book of Records.
I decided to use my age to my advantage and took decisions which traditionalists thought were very bold or may be even reckless. I however was very clear bout what I wanted for my city.
In a decision that will benefit generation to come, I, as the Mayor of Navi Mumbai acquired Morbe Dam for the City, when nobody in the state was ready to touch the almost shelved project. Today, NMMC, the only corporation in the country, post independence to own a dam, does not just have enough water for its residents to ensure a 24 X 7 Supply, but also surplus water to cater to the needs of those residing outside the city. This in the scenario when water supply is a major concern throughout the world is an unprecedented achievement.
I have always stressed on hygiene, efficient civic services and the need to involve the citizens in various projects to improve the conditions in the city. This helped NMMC win the prestigious Sant Gadgebaba cleanliness campaign of the State Government.
I conceptualized the three sewage Treatment Plant (STP) projects based on the advance C-Tech technology from Australia. The STPs are being developed in Vashi, Nerul and Airoli. The water treated here will be almost as good as drinking water. The water will be used in industries, for gardening and washing purposes. NMMC will be able to sell the water for commercial gains. The project will help reduce pollution in the creek where such water was earlier released.
My efforts have converted the dumping ground from an eye sore polluting necessity to a city resource. The Solid Waste Management programme in Navi Mumbai is arguably the best in the country with the recommendations of the Supreme Court to protect the environment, being implemented completely. The projects for reducing the emission of the poisonous methane gas, the earning of Carbon Credits, recycling of garbage into fertilizer and fuel at the Turbhe dumping ground have received international appreciation and recognition.
I believe that ones culture and heritage is a true source of inspiration for all of us. Through my organization Navi Mumbai Kala and Krida mandal, I have helped promote Maharashtra’s rich culture along with providing the city with its own tourist attractions and heritage. The magnificent statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj gallantly riding a horse and the depiction of the life of the Maharaj through the engraved murals at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chowk in Vashi has become tourist attractions by themselves.
I have also ensured that the young ones of Thane District get the right platform to exhibit their talent. Millions of children have received encouragement and had an opportunity to participate in various competitions like “Chitra Bharati, sports meets, drama competitions etc organized by Navi Mumbai krida Sankul. I have also been involved with the successful pulse polio campaign at the local and National level.
In association with the Akhil Bharaitya Natya Parishad, I have promoted dance and drama in the city, Local artistes, bhajan mandals as well as top artistes of the state and country have been felicitated and encouraged through various concerts and programmes.
My selfness service to the city has been appreciates at the highest level. I have recently been conferred a “Doctorate” by the International Tamil university of Maryland USA. The honour is recognition of the services rendered by me towards environmental conservation, health and hygiene. The Sewage Treatment Plant project and my work in National polio Prevention campaign have come in for special mention.
I have also worked hard to help the city get funds and grants from the state and Central governments for its infrastructural projects.
The hallmark of a success full social worker is his ability to successfully and efficiently implement his plans for the benefit of the common man, on a wide range of issues, simultaneously. I believe,
I a social worker to the core, have accomplished this and more.
Being a youth has helped me to be progressive, have a vision that is helping change the face of the city that is witnessing world class development.
I have vowed to dedicate not just my youth but my life for the service of the people. I believe I am the candidate that we are all looking for to lead us to progress and prosperity. A man with the clean image for the 25 Thane Lok Sabha constituency. I am your very own candidate.
I have explained to you my qualifications. Time now for you to check out the others and then take an informed and well judged decision. I humbly believe you will agree with my view point and my candidature.
Press the button adjacent the “Clock” symbol when you go to cast your precious vote on April 30, 2009. Vote for Progress and prosperity. Vote for character.
Your Very Own
Dr. Sanjeev Ganesh Naik.